Release Notes

November 2021 – released Sitecore Headless Rendering 19.0.0


  • The Vue SDK and sample have been updated to Vue 3.
  • The Headless Services module now deploys its items via Items as Resources (IAR), thereby enabling module upgrades without the need to update SQL data.
  • The Horizon authoring interface now supports Next.js.
  • You can now use the Layout Service and Next.js to enable static site generation of Sitecore MVC sites, and incrementally convert them to a headless architecture.
  • The documentation for Headless Services, JavaScript Rendering (JSS), and ASP.NET Core Rendering has been refactored, reviewed, and consolidated into a common location on
  • The Horizon authoring interface now supports ASP.NET Core Rendering.

New features/improvements

Context Description ADO no.
Headless Services JavaScript Rendering - All the JavaScript packages are now published as both CommonJS and ESM. 454376
Headless Services The Vue SDK and sample have been updated to Vue 3. 459777
​Headless Services The Headless Services module items are now deployed as Items as Resources. 467836
​Headless Services The Horizon authoring interface now supports Next.js. 468017
​Headless Services You can now use the Layout Service and Next.js to enable static site generation of Sitecore MVC sites, and incrementally convert them to a headless architecture. 479060
​Headless Services The documentation for Headless Services, JavaScript Rendering (JSS), and ASP.NET Core Rendering has been refactored, reviewed, and consolidated into a common location on 480320
​Headless Services The Horizon authoring interface now supports ASP.NET Core Rendering. 494050
​Headless Services React, Next.js - The rendering performance of the React-based SDKs and samples has been improved with the removal of a potential double-rendering scenario. 468237
​Headless Services The Next.js sample has been updated to demonstrate the use of dynamic component imports. 468937
​Headless Services The Next.js SDK and sample have been updated to Next.js 11. 474974
​Headless Services The GraphQL endpoints now allow unauthenticated CORS preflight OPTIONS requests by default, enabling the passing of sc_apikey via HTTP Header from browsers. This can be disabled by using false on the endpoint. 475186
​Headless Services The Next.js sample can now be created with an --empty argument, resulting in a simplified starter without any boilerplate, components, or code-first support. This argument is useful when implementing static generation for Sitecore MVC sites. 479298
​Headless Services The client dictionary and sitemap services now allow you to customize the jssAppTemplateId that is used when determining the root item of a site. 483281
​Headless Services React, Angular, Vue - The samples now support the fetchWith create option and allow you use of GraphQL or REST-based services, and are consistent with Next.js. 488863
​Headless Services Vue - The sc-placeholder component now uses fragments by default and does not render an extra root. 474394
​Headless Services Headless Proxy - The /dist path has been removed from pathRewriteExcludeRoutes config property, because it was unnecessary. 481856
​Headless Services The ASP.NET Core and Next.js dotnet new templates have been updated to 10.2 and Headless Rendering 19.0. 490137
​Headless Services Vue, React - The detection of connected and disconnected mode has been improved. 485189
​Headless Services React, Angular, Vue - To be consistent with Next.js, we have removed the deprecated dataApi in favor of client service wrappers. 486242
​Headless Services A Render as HTML checkbox has been added to the Layout Service options on Sitecore renderings. This checkbox is the equivalent of the existing json=false rendering parameter, and results in the output of rendering HTML to the Layout Service for MVC-compatible rendering types. 479294
​Headless Services JavaScript Rendering - The service clients now provide a timeout option. 480317
​Headless Services React, Headless Proxy - To be consistent with Next.js, Dictionary calls now utilize the RestDictionaryService. 487865
​Headless Services React, Angular, Vue - To be consistent with Next.js, the samples now use the default Layout Service configuration by default. 493438

Breaking changes

Context Description ADO no.
​Headless Services @sitecore-jss TypeScript types that previously used any may need to be updated with more specific definitions. 445601
​Headless Services Upgraded installations must use the upgrade tool to remove Headless Services items from the Sitecore master database, as these tems are now delivered as Items as Resources (IAR) files. 467836
​Headless Services The React and Next.js samples have been updated to avoid an extra React rendering. 468237
​Headless Services Next.js implementations must upgrade to Next.js 11. 474974
​Headless Services Vue implementations must upgrade to Vue 3. 459777
​Headless Services All the samples/frameworks must be updated to use the new layout and dictionary services instead of the deprecated dataApi. 486242
​Headless Services Dictionary calls should be updated to use the RestDictionaryService. 487865
​Headless Services The JavaScript Rendering apps should use the default layoutServiceConfiguration by default. 493438
​Headless Services The Session state is no longer supported in GraphQL endpoints. This removes session locking and improves performance. 457362

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

Context Description ADO no.
​Headless Services Session state locking can impact the performance of GraphQL queries. 457362
​Headless Services If you invoke the Layout Service on pages that contain rendering items that do not exist in the database, an Object reference error can occur. 462233
​Headless Services Next.js - If you use multiple catch-all routes with SSG, opening a route in the Experience Editor can cause a 404 error. 483286
​Headless Services Vue - If you open or navigate between pages, a page not found error may occur. 485147
​Headless Services React - The Experience Forms React implementation doesn't apply CSS classes that are configured by a content author. 483539
​Headless Services Next.js - There is no documentation about the process or limitations of using Sitecore Forms with Next.js. 485498
​Headless Services Angular - You cannot navigate to language URLs. 485127
​Headless Services ASP.NET Core - If you use the Image tag helper, custom attributes are lost in Experience Editor. 473634
​Headless Services JavaScript Rendering - The embedded JSS app sample does not build. 475487
​Headless Services The publishing webhooks stop processing when a non-executing webhook is encountered. 483283
​Headless Services The Layout Service date field output is inconsistent between Experience Edge and Headless Services. 485040
​Headless Services React, Next.js - When rendering raw HTML components, placeholders can throw a void element tag error for self-closing tag elements. 487382
​Headless Services The Layout Service can throw a NullReferenceException when it is invoked by a known robot user agent. 488970
​Headless Services The Layout Service does not resolve the root page item if the site has a virtual folder. 489431
​Headless Services React - When running React in connected mode against development environments, proxied Sitecore requests, for example, visitor identification, media, and so on, can cause 504, Gateway Timeout errors. Setting changeOrigin: true in the CRA proxy resolves this issue. 496886
​Headless Services ASP.NET Core - If a rendering content resolver returns two or more fields as empty strings, the ASP.NET Core rendering can throw an ArgumentException. 489544
​Headless Services Preflight OPTIONS requests against the mirrored Experience Edge schema will fail when using sc_apikey in an HTTP Header, which is different behavior than Experience Edge. 479265